
Automatic seaming cam - workplace safety in focus


Format changes often lead to production downtime, even with the quick-change tooling of Ferrum seamers. With the growing demand for diverse can and lid formats, more frequent adjustments for varying material thicknesses are required, leading to increased downtime.


The automatic seaming cam for the F12 and F18 models provides an innovative solution. It enables automatic adjustments for seam control and format changes via the Ferrum touch panel. With 10 memory slots for format settings switching to new formats is fast and easy.


By eliminating manual tasks, the automatic seaming cam significantly reduces downtime while enhancing safety during production. The upgrade is effortless and ensures more efficient production processes, perfectly meeting the demands of today’s diverse market.

Customer benefits at one glance

Improve safety

Improved operator safety, as all seamer settings are performed via touch panel and thus from the floor 2nd operation can be automatically disengaged for seam control of the 1st operation.

Optimize production

Increased accuracy due to automatic, continuous adjustment changeover times for different materials and thicknesses of less than 1 minute.

Prevent errors

10 memory positions for different material thicknesses simplify operation and reduce potential errors. Optimizations are directly visualized and saved.

Reduce downtime in line with your needs

Disengageable Seaming CamDisengageable & quick adjusting seaming camAutomatic seaming cam
Changeover Times~240 minutes, since each station must be individually adjusted~3 minutes, since the seaming cam can be adjusted, affecting all stations at once~0.25 minutes, since the seaming cam can be adjusted via touch pannel, affecting all stations at once
SafetyAdjustments for 1st operation require safety ladder to disengage the seaming cam on top of the seamer Adjustments for 1st operation require safety ladder to disengage the seaming cam on top of the seamer 2nd operation can be safely disengaged via the touch panel from the ground

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