ferruLoop - reduce downtime and earn money

Overhauling the seamer is very time-consuming. This downtime is lost production time. In the event of an unlikely machine breakdown, downtime is even more significant because customer appointments have to be rescheduled.

This does not have to be the case. Thanks to ferruLoop, you have the option of immediately replacing damaged or worn parts with pre-assembled units of the rotor upper part and the lifting stations, resulting in reduced downtime. It also ensures that a Ferrum service technician is present during the first days of production to overhaul the units of ferruLoop.

ferruLoop overhaul

How it works

Your advantages

  • Reduction of downtime: Save up to 3 days during the annual overhaul of your ferruBasic seamer
  • Minimize risks: Reduce downtime in case of an unlikely machine breakdown and prevent massive production losses
  • Multiple usage: The same rotor can cover more than one seamer of the same type. Lifting stations are compatible between F12 and F18 or from F05 to F08
  • Process stability: The replaced units are overhauled in your local workshop after the production start up, while a Ferrum service engineer is present. This ensures production monitoring in case of emergencies
  • Optimize planning: More purposeful deployment of your ressources during the annual overhaul

Overhaul process

ferruloop overhaul process

Our offer

You will receive the pre-assembled units complete and ready for operation.

Lifting stations

Get a quote

Contact your local Account Manager. We look forward to consulting you!

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